Sunday Scoop & Savings!!!

I'm linking up not once, but twice for Sunday liny parties! First up is the Sunday Scoop with Teaching Trio... Here's the scoop on my week:

Next up is a brand new Sunday linky from All Things Apple in 2nd... Sunday Savings Circular! I love reading the Sunday sales circulars, don't you? Here's my sales circular for this Sunday!

Click on the images below to see more details or to purchase! 

Have a FABULOUS Sunday!!!


  1. OH-MY-GOODNESS. I just saw on TPT that you are from Clarksville, TN! We adopted our son at birth from Clarksville, so your hometown will always and forever hold the most special place in our hearts. Seeing that just made me smile and brought a {little} tear to my eye. Happy Sunday in Clarksville!
    It's Elementary, My Dear!

  2. Geesh!!! Isn't Fall Break the BEST!!!!!!! I haven't gotten too much done for school, but boy-oh-boy I've managed to get some huge accomplishments at home! Hope you feel better and enjoy your last day tomorrow.
